Are the premiums higher if you buy life insurance without going through medical underwriting such as bloodwork or a medical examination? The answer is no. You can obtain the best life insurance policy online without a visit from a medical professional. That means the best rates and the best policies are available online. Accelerated underwriting does not mean expensive, guaranteed issue. The insurance company still underwrites each individual policy but in a completely new way. Some life insurance companies are leading the way by using information and data they believe is better.
Although this may be counter-intuitive, you do not pay more. Buying life insurance online is not “buying direct” from the insurance company either. Life insurance companies do not sell policies direct to consumers. They sell only through licensed insurance agents, without exception. Some insurance companies tried going direct, without success. Life insurance is sold, not bought.
Behind every online site selling life insurance, there is a licensed life insurance agent. For every sale, the insurance company pays a commission to the licensed agent named in your application. You may not realize a life insurance agent is writing the policy, but in fact, it is required by law. Some of these online agencies are hoping consumers believe there is an advantage in going “direct” and cutting out agents. It helps to know that online sites are no different than any other insurance agents or agencies.
Why It Matters.
Now that you know there is an agent getting paid a reasonable, non-negotiable commission, you want to always use the help and guidance built into the pricing of the policy. The insurance companies want educated consumers. Some life insurance buyers may incorrectly assume that buying online is “going direct”.
State of the Art.
In conclusion, you can now purchase the best life insurance policy online and get it done WITHOUT A MEDICAL EXAM, without lab tests (non blood or urine) or face-to-face visits, if that is what you prefer. The maximum is $5,000,000 per person and we have companies that write up to age 65 without medical evidence. The whole process can be done within an hour.
Contact us for a quote to apply and buy. Reach Ted Bernstein at 561-771-4647 or by email. We are close. People often search for “life insurance near me” or “life insurance agent near me” and we are one of the results. Online, we’re all close for business purposes. It truly is one of the great benefits of the Internet. Check out our 5 Star rating on Google or on our testimonial page.